YIELDTOPIA: Providing a sustainable and high APY returns on investment with compounded deflationary interest

6 min readAug 2, 2022



YieldTopia is a rebase and administration token which was sent off by crypto darlings and monetary specialists in the environment who comprehend financial matters, The YieldTopia have come to plan to scale with improved with auto marking, deflationary APY system, auto compounding . Here tokens holders will partake in a high supportable yield beginning at 42,069%APY Furthermore, this exceptional and astounding and staggering stage promises it clients with 100 percent open-source and decentralized tokenized environment. Generally significantly, the biological system guarantees solid security for its clients while utilizing the application.

Today such countless individuals ask this inquiries for what valid reason YieldTopia the response is, it is so versatile ie it is the main yield convention specially worked to possess various applications that are made to add values to the local badge of the biological system $YIELD thusly, token holders are guaranteed prizes with a significant token, which makes YieldTopia the best and feasible yield convention. In conclusion through the YieldTopia Governance, people group individuals are permitted to make proposition, for example, charges on DApps, evolving charges, sell limits, advancement, reference program and so on and vote for the most part on significant choices of theecosystem and roll out essential improvements connected with $YIELD, and the whole environment of YieldTopia in view of what by far most of the local area needs.


YieldTopia is supposed to be exceptional and not quite the same as different ventures like the Celsius, and Terra Luna because of productivity, trustless, decentralized generally significantly manageable and versatile. Moreover, the YieldTopia stage additionally guarantees assortment of utility, $USDY stable coin, NFT commercial center, high APY yield convention and parcel dislike the land Luna, and the Celsius that profess to be decentralized where as they are incorporated and the misdirect their financial backers routinely causing them to feel that the profits are manageable or that resources are decentralized or accessible to pull out whenever.


The YieldTopia was worked by a crypto sweetheart and monetary specialists who completely grasp the current economy and have confidence that individuals ought to acquire out of their own cash and in addition to the bank. The play likewise plans to set up a solid and maintainable convention that financial backers will appreciate and acquire benefits.


It award clients admittance to beta applications
YIELDPAD : No stage charges while taking part in pre-deals
It additionally allows clients admittance to marking and cultivating pools.
Administration : Here clients reserve the option to cast a ballot two times (lets take for a moment your $YIELD surplus x 2 = casting a ballot power)
Early admittance to $USDY stablecoin and $YIELD tokens
YIELDNFTS : No stage charges while trading NFTs
YIELD SWAP : No stage expenses while trading tokens through YieldSwap


  • Programmed DEFLATIONARY APY: This extraordinary stage assists with remunerating clients with a deflationary APY each 30mint from 42,069% APY and these can be accomplished by a modern rebase instrument and it likewise go through some specific cycle known as dividing at regular intervals the APY will be decreased by 10% from what it was already, consequently giving greater supportability to the convention.
  • Reference PROGRAM : This is one more method for compensating the local area to continue to get the news out about the environment. Furthermore, for each effective reference gets a 1.5% of your ref’s exchange expense, and I years to come they continue to partake in a 0.5% rebate from the exchange charges.
  • Against DUMP PROTECTION (ADP): The YIELDTOPIA have come to tackle the issue of siphon and dump, coordinated assaults that are been brought about by unpracticed financial backers and another things. Through the foundation of a definitive protect, and too paying special attention to YieldTopians and their venture are made to tackle such issues like the siphon and dump. Additionally the environment executed an enemy of dump framework into the $yield Contract Address that Ena clients to sell somewhere in the range of 5% and 20% every day.
  • CAPITAL INSURANCE FUND (CIF): This element upholds the APY framework and ensures high and stable re-visitations of the symbolic holders there is generally extra saves capital from every single YieldTopia utility that creates a pay/charges an expense. Furthermore, from each and every exchange, a part of the exchange charge is circulated towards the protection store.
  • FIRE-PIT : BURN MECHANISM: This implies support $YIELD and too its manageability on a case by case basis, let take for a moment, When there is huge deals pressure, a market downtrend, and so on. The fire-pit instrument is implanted into the $yield contract as a 1% expense on each trading exchange and with practically no speedy notification the group will wear $YIELD Token out the inventory on a case by case basis.
  • Depository FUND and GOVERNANCE : This is a 3%/4% exchange charge that is committed to improvement, showcasing and by and large to the entire local area. Likewise the YieldTopia is responsible for the Treasury asset, and it empowers the local area to pick how to designate those supports utilizing the dashboard.


  • Token Name: YieldTopia
  • Image: YIELD
  • Decimal :18
  • Blockchain: Binance Smart Chain
  • Cross chain by means of various chain: Polygon, Ethereum, BSC and so on.
  • Contract Address: 0xA3a3D699B0a3a027d32C8d5040352ddE1b8A8106
  • All out Supply : 10,000,000,000 $YIELD


  • Group token: 5%
  • Firepit: 5%
  • Introductory consume: 15%
  • Capital protection reserve: 9%
  • Promoting : 5%
  • Depository reserve : 20%
  • Introductory advertising spending plan, CEXS : 4.92%
  • Liquidity : 15. 68%
  • Public presale: 20%
  • Exchange Tax

Purchase Tax 9%

  • 2% Liquidity Growth
  • 3% Capital Insurance Fund (CIF)
  • 3% Treasury Fund
  • 1% Firepit (consume component)

Sell Tax 13%

  • 3% Liquidity Growth
  • 5% Capital Insurance Fund (CIF)
  • 4% Treasury Fund
  • 1% Firepit (consume component)



Wrapping up

Yield tokens vow to change the manner in which financial backers communicate with monetary foundations. With the assistance of yield tokens, resource supervisors can digitize numerous resources, make speculation portfolios in light of preset standards, and deal robo-counsel administrations to their clients. These new blockchain advancements vow to offer more comfort and lower costs. With the assistance of yield tokens, monetary establishments can robotize many cycles and deal their administrations at a lower cost. This will prompt the digitization of numerous resources and assist with making new monetary items. These new advances vow to reform the manner in which financial backers associate with monetary foundations and proposition more accommodation and lower costs.

#YIELD #YieldTopia #Governance #NFT #YieldPad #BSC #Fairlaunch

More information:



Bitcointalk username: Lift Core
Bitcointalk profile link : https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=3403164
Telegram username: @LiftCore
Wallet address: 0xC8199E8A032D41953a403Aa88c8131b83ccC44df

